Sunday, October 27, 2013

Residency in Nicaragua

Since we were talking about Nicaragua and we should be familiar about the immigration rules at other countries as well. here's an article i found that talks about the rules and the difficulty of getting a permanent residence at Nicaragua.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

World war and immigration

As we go through the chapters of the book we see a pattern that during wars and crisis, the immigration would go down drastically. Even though United States was not involved in World War I or World War II well not till the end, why is immigration into United States being affected? Isn't it suppose to increase? Since people at their home country are at risk and they wanna go to a safer place, they could immigrate to America. Well this is just my concern and some one can think other wise. I wanna know if there were strict immigration laws during the time of war so people could not immigrate? I know after the war there were laws put in place and better regulation and quota systems were placed.

Friday, October 4, 2013

My father was a paper son

I found this really interesting immigration story written about Chinese immigrant. The story is told by a son about his father and how he came to United States. He says that his father came as a paper son and tells us that he had fake age, change his last name and had to memorize the layout of village and design of his “paper home”, including such things as what room he slept in and how many steps there were in front of his “paper home”. He memorized details and pictures of his fake brothers and parents. He went through intense interrogation in angle island. The resemblance among him and his paper father and brother was one of the factor that made the US immigration official believe in his case. He could speak no english and worked as a fruit picker somewhere near Sacramento. He later on in his life gave up his false citizenship and became a permanent citizen and later on naturalized and changed his name back to his original name from his paper name.

It is very interesting that he was willing to go thorough all this to get into United states. this makes me think that the situation in China must have been worst. why would anyone wanna go through all this to get here if that wasn't the case.